Friday, October 19, 2012

Week 51 - New Comp...Elder Brewer

Mom and Dad,
It is crazy to think that I left a year ago.. I am getting kind of nervous now.  I know that this last year will be a great one. And it is true that time is starting to fly by! At the end of this transfer I will have been here in McMinnville almost 5 months! Pretty crazy I know... But I sure do love it here. I love my mission! This week has been interesting.. Not to much has happened; but it was just a really good working week! We were pretty tired each night we came in, but it is a good feeling to know that you gave it your all that day. This week we had 23 lessons!  Elder Brewer is here and he is the man. He is from Ogden Utah and is pretty relaxed guy. Loves to work and loves his mission. He has been out about 8 months and this is his 2nd area! He sure does love the people and we are going to tear it up this week!
First, there is a family in the ward, The Phillips, and they came up to us saying that they had a few kids they were taking care of and the mom had given permission for them to be baptized! So we are teaching a girl named Trinady, sounds like Trinity, and her brother Caleb. We went over yesterday and taught them the cups lesson and they loved it! The spirit was strong and we got to share some neat experiences.
Earlier in the week we had went to a supper appointment at the Woodruff's and they have a daughter who is married and they are not members and we got to do family home evening with all of them. It was another good lesson with them and they sure loved it. We were able to help a family in the ward do some fencing for their chickens. And they want us to come back and help them out some more.  We are starting to introduce Family Mission Plans to the families in the ward we go see.  Hopefully Elder Brewer and I can get these members fired up about missionary work! We have been meeting with 2 recent convert (Joel Cain and you know Diana McCray) a lot more. They sure appreciate the time we spend with them.  We are trying to read from the Book of Mormon everyday with them for at least 15 minutes.  Hopefully this week we can set a baptismal date for Trenady and Caleb! That would be pretty cool. They want to be baptized already so I sure hope that we can teach them well.
I am glad that Devan is feeling better! I hope today he doesn’t go to crazy with it. Remember how I said Grandpa and everyone in Round Valley talk in metaphors? Well that is how Tennessee is…How is grandpa doing? I haven’t heard from him in a while...
So crazy thing… there was a girl I was good friends with back in High School named Ty Wells.  She is cousins with Sage Adams and they have lots of family in Tennessee... Well Ty actually is living in Lafayette Tennessee right now! Ty is a super sweet girl but was going through a lot. And so I am teaching her over Facebook! It is pretty cool. I hope that I get to serve in her home ward and get her reactivated and her family! I guess that is another reason why I was sent to Tennessee on my mission. I remember I would try to get her to come to church or to activities.. But now I am a missionary and know some what of what I am doing and hopefully get her to gain a strong testimony! I love my mission so much! I love Tennessee! The weather is cooling down lots now. Right now it feels amazing outside. It is pretty weird to see fall again here in Tennessee, but I guess that just means I got to work twice as hard this year. I love this gospel so much! I love being a missionary! We met this lady who is trying to quit smoking and wants us to come over everyday and read and do the stop smoking workshop with her. I know that obedience brings blessings! And that exact obedience brings miracles! I love y’all so much and I thank Heavenly Father everyday for my family. I hope that everything is good back home and that y’all are happy. Have a great week!
Love Elder Vaughn Dee Perkins

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