Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Week 49 -- Curse of the Junior Year


Well i guess that's me huh? haha. The work in Mactown..... It's got its up and downs.. And lately it feels like we are at the bottom of the hill. Nothing is really going.
This week probably has been one of the roughest weeks of my mission. I just knew I was going to go through a trial soon haha. But it has taught me a lot. It has taught me how important work, discipline, motivation, goals, family, and the gospel are in my life. My attitude reflects on everything i do. If i have a bad attitude when I wake up and stay feeling sorry for myself, Ii will have that kind of day. But if I automatically change my attitude and be up beat and energetic lovin my mission, my day will be up beat and I will be happy. I try to teach that to all my companions.  It's just one of those times in life where you have to humble yourself and take a look at where you are at and see where you can work on things. Realize that you can't do the Lord's work without him. It just doesn't make sense to do his work without Him.
I think a huge blessing this last week and this week is the county fair.... That might sound silly but it really is. The church has a booth at the county fair and it started last Friday and ends this Saturday. The fair is free to everyone and there are TONS of people that come to this fair. I get to practice "talking to everyone" skills and hopefully get a lot of people interested in what we have to share. Kind of funny thing though...our booth is like next to the church of christ booth and baptists booths.
I like the fair because I get go out of my comfort zone and push myself to talk to people. It is kind of hard to start but once I start talking, I get in the groove and talk to lots of people. I can tell them the truth of how we are not "nun's" or "cow worshippers" and what not. I can tell them the truth and be myself and make friends with the people.
This Saturday is transfers I am pretty sure I am staying because Elder Whitney is going home. OH!! Yeah a member is going to take us to this cattle auction this week to talk to some of his friends! I am so excited. When I tell all these farmers that I want to raise cattle when I go home there eyes get all BIG. Haha its pretty funny.  Then I get on a friend level where its easier to talk to them about why I am on my mission and what I share with the people. I know that this gospel is so true!
I am so grateful that I am a missionary right now in my life. I have grown SOOO much! And I know for a fact that I could not have learned these things back home. I know that the Book of Mormon is true! I love it! I know that Joseph Smith is a true prophet and that the priesthood was restored to the earth! I know that my savior lives! I know He is with me every step of the way! I am so grateful for his sacrifice for me! I know Heavenly Father is real! He hears and answers my prayers! I love yall and am so grateful for all that you do for me! 

I hope that Devan gets better! I definitely remember how it feels to stand on the sideline.. It was not fun at all. Tell Danielle I love her! Thank you mom! I love you too! Take care!

Love Elder Vaughn Dee Perkins

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